Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Child Care Employee Job Descriptions

Last week, I shared how our child care program management experiences led us to the creation of Employee Standards of Conduct to supplement our Job Descriptions.  These documents help us make sure our staff members know exactly what we expect of them in regards to their behavior.  This week, I'm focusing on those Job Descriptions themselves.

Your employees must be given, and sign, complete Job Descriptions on their first day of employment, if not earlier.  The Job Description accomplishes two purposes; it tells your employees what they must do to be successful in their positions and it provides you with a framework for employee evaluation (next week's discussion).

Your Job Descriptions have to be carefully balanced; they have to be very explicit so that there is no question as to what you expect from each person on your staff, yet not get so bogged down in details that your employees can't breathe without wondering if it's covered in their Job Description.  I shudder to think of how many modifications we have made to our Job Descriptions over the years.  While the core layout has remained the same, we've learned (just like with the Standards of Conduct) that a few things just really need to be spelled out more clearly.  For example, we just kind of assumed that if we hired a program manager with a recent Bachelor's degree in Early Childhood Education, that person would know how to use email, Word, and Excel.  We were mistaken.  We also assumed that if we hired a teacher, that person would have thought ahead enough to realize that they needed a way to get to work.  Again, we were mistaken.

Making sure that your staff members know these basic requirements right up front (we explain the Job Description as part of the interview process), helps you to make sure that you hire the correct person and provides them with the tools they need to be successful in their position.

If you don't already have comprehensive Job Descriptions for your employees, check ours out at: http://daycaretools.com/DaycareProducts.aspx#Personnel

Image courtesy of:  www.FreeDigitalPhotos.net


  1. Job descriptions read more like a dry introduction to prison life than anything else-and this is supposed to get people excited and engaged?

  2. Since I've never heard from a dissatisfied customer, I'm assuming that you are referring simply to this blog article. I'm sorry you did not find it useful.
    Admittedly, our Job Descriptions are not the most fascinating literature ever written. Nor, I believe, are most business documents. They simply take care of a critical business need.
    As an aside, we have made our New Employee Orientation a bit more engaging and hope that our staff see that, in developing a clear program to welcome and orient them to our team, and, in spending several days making sure they understand how they fit in, they realize our commitment to their success.

  3. When ever we are involving in this process of children we need to have lot of patience and innovative thinker!So very happy to have this blog.Nice share!
