Tuesday, May 21, 2013

When to Update with the R&R

Are you a child care provider with a goal to run a high quality and FULL program?  Have you been wondering why parents are not knocking down your door?  What are some of the complaints that you have heard about your program?

These are all very important questions to consider when you are trying to run a business with a good reputation in the community.  How do potential families find out about you?

One of the ways that potential families will learn about you is through your local Child Care Resource and Referral Agency.  These vary widely throughout the US, but in many locations the R&R can be your best source of marketing for your program.

Most R&R’s try to keep a dynamic data base that is up to date at all times.  Their attempt to do this however, might not always be entirely effective.  Did you know that you can and should call your R&R any time your program changes.  When are some of those times?

  1. Obviously, when you have an opening – and even better, if you have a parent who gives you the standard two-week notice.  This gives you a great opportunity to call (or log into) your R&R and update your information.
  2. When you start a waiting list – a waiting list is actually one of the things that smart prospective parents look for in a provider.  If other parents are clamoring to get in, maybe I should too…..  Be sure the R&R is current on if you keep or have a waiting list.
  3. If you change or add the ages that you will care for. 
  4. If you change your hours of operation – especially a great marketing opportunity for those of you who provide non-traditional hours of care.
  5. If a family pet has passed away and you no longer will have an animal in your home.  This can be a BIG issue for many parents.

There are other times you should get in the habit of updating your profile with the R&R as well, but these are some of the majors.

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